Come visit our warehouse
We are RepSun. We have been in the recovery business for over 19 years. We are a New Jersey recovery and resale company. If you are a finance company, landlord or property manager please feel free to call us (609)-644-4499. If your client does not pay, we will take it away..... for you and resell it. Our warehouse is always open for inspection. We want you to feel comfortable with us. If you are a buyer you can come by to inspect any of our equipment prior to purchasing. We are a NO PRESSURE company because we want you to be happy.
Contact us :
5 Chestnut Ave. Warehouse #3
Somers Point N.J. 08244
Most of the time we are recovering equipment and not at the warehouse from 9-5. Please call Gary to make appointments so we can be there and set up the equiment you want to come see (609)-442-4804.
5 Chestnut Ave. Warehouse #3
Somers Point N.J. 08244
Most of the time we are recovering equipment and not at the warehouse from 9-5. Please call Gary to make appointments so we can be there and set up the equiment you want to come see (609)-442-4804.